Allegheny County, United States

Allegheny County is an administrative subregion in in United States with a population of approximately 1,223,348 people.

Facts and figures on Allegheny County at a glance

Region name: Allegheny County (Allegheny County)
Status: Adminstrative subregion
Population: 1,223,348 people
Region name (Level 1):
Country: United States
Continent: North America

The regional headquarters of Allegheny County (Allegheny County) is located in Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh) with a population of 304,391 people. The distance as the crow flies from Allegheny County's regional headquarters Pittsburgh to United States's capital Washington (Washington) is approximately 307 km (190 mi).

Facts and figures on Allegheny County
RegionPopulationRegional headquartersPopulation
Allegheny County Allegheny County1,223,348 peoplePittsburgh Pittsburgh304,391 people

Compare with other regions in .

Map of Allegheny County

Map of Allegheny County

Information on Allegheny County

Information on Allegheny County
Region nameRegion name Level 1CountryContinent
Allegheny County Allegheny County United StatesNorth America

Time in Allegheny County

Time in Allegheny County
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Fri, 3 May 2024 - 10:03am (10:03h)In effect (+1 hour)Fri, 3 May 2024 - 9:03am (09:03h)GMT UTC -4.0America/New_York

Geographic coordinates of Allegheny County

Latitude & Longitude of Allegheny County
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map40°28'07.8"N (40.4688300°)79°58'52.3"W (-79.9811900°)

Subregions in Allegheny County

There are 128 administrative subregions in Allegheny County.
Subregions in Allegheny County
RegionNoPopulationRegional capitalCapital population
Borough of Aspinwall Borough of Aspinwall1.2,801--
Borough of Avalon Borough of Avalon2.4,705--
Borough of Baldwin Borough of Baldwin3.19,767--
Borough of Bell Acres Borough of Bell Acres4.1,388--
Borough of Bellevue Borough of Bellevue5.8,370--
Borough of Ben Avon Borough of Ben Avon6.1,781--
Borough of Ben Avon Heights Borough of Ben Avon Heights7.371--
Borough of Blawnox Borough of Blawnox8.1,432--
Borough of Brackenridge Borough of Brackenridge9.3,260--
Borough of Braddock Borough of Braddock10.2,159--
Borough of Braddock Hills Borough of Braddock Hills11.1,880--
Borough of Bradford Woods Borough of Bradford Woods12.1,171--
Borough of Brentwood Borough of Brentwood13.9,643--
Borough of Bridgeville Borough of Bridgeville14.5,148--
Borough of Carnegie Borough of Carnegie15.7,972--
Borough of Castle Shannon Borough of Castle Shannon16.8,316--
Borough of Chalfant Borough of Chalfant17.800--
Borough of Cheswick Borough of Cheswick18.1,746--
Borough of Churchill Borough of Churchill19.3,011--
Borough of Coraopolis Borough of Coraopolis20.5,677--
Borough of Crafton Borough of Crafton21.5,951--
Borough of Dormont Borough of Dormont22.8,593--
Borough of Dravosburg Borough of Dravosburg23.1,792--
Borough of East McKeesport Borough of East McKeesport24.2,126--
Borough of East Pittsburgh Borough of East Pittsburgh25.1,822--
Borough of Edgewood Borough of Edgewood26.3,118--
Borough of Edgeworth Borough of Edgeworth27.1,680--
Borough of Elizabeth Borough of Elizabeth28.1,493--
Borough of Emsworth Borough of Emsworth29.2,449--
Borough of Etna Borough of Etna30.3,451--
Borough of Forest Hills Borough of Forest Hills31.6,518--
Borough of Fox Chapel Borough of Fox Chapel32.5,388--
Borough of Franklin Park Borough of Franklin Park33.13,470--
Borough of Glassport Borough of Glassport34.4,483--
Borough of Glen Osborne Borough of Glen Osborne35.547--
Borough of Glenfield Borough of Glenfield36.205--
Borough of Green Tree Borough of Green Tree37.4,432--
Borough of Haysville Borough of Haysville38.70--
Borough of Heidelberg Borough of Heidelberg39.1,244--
Borough of Homestead Borough of Homestead40.3,165--
Borough of Ingram Borough of Ingram41.3,330--
Borough of Jefferson Hills Borough of Jefferson Hills42.10,619--
Borough of Leetsdale Borough of Leetsdale43.1,218--
Borough of Liberty Borough of Liberty44.2,551--
Borough of Lincoln Borough of Lincoln45.1,072--
Borough of McDonald Borough of McDonald46.2,149--
Borough of McKees Rocks Borough of McKees Rocks47.6,104--
Borough of Millvale Borough of Millvale48.3,744--
Borough of Mount Oliver Borough of Mount Oliver49.3,403--
Borough of Munhall Borough of Munhall50.11,406--
Borough of North Braddock Borough of North Braddock51.4,857--
Borough of Oakdale Borough of Oakdale52.1,459--
Borough of Oakmont Borough of Oakmont53.6,303--
Borough of Pennsbury Village Borough of Pennsbury Village54.661--
Borough of Pitcairn Borough of Pitcairn55.3,294--
Borough of Pleasant Hills Borough of Pleasant Hills56.8,268--
Borough of Plum Borough of Plum57.27,126--
Borough of Port Vue Borough of Port Vue58.3,798--
Borough of Rankin Borough of Rankin59.2,122--
Borough of Rosslyn Farms Borough of Rosslyn Farms60.427--
Borough of Sewickley Borough of Sewickley61.3,827--
Borough of Sewickley Heights Borough of Sewickley Heights62.810--
Borough of Sewickley Hills Borough of Sewickley Hills63.639--
Borough of Sharpsburg Borough of Sharpsburg64.3,446--
Borough of Springdale Borough of Springdale65.3,405--
Borough of Swissvale Borough of Swissvale66.8,983--
Borough of Tarentum Borough of Tarentum67.4,530--
Borough of Thornburg Borough of Thornburg68.455--
Borough of Trafford Borough of Trafford69.3,174--
Borough of Turtle Creek Borough of Turtle Creek70.5,349--
Borough of Verona Borough of Verona71.2,474--
Borough of Versailles Borough of Versailles72.1,515--
Borough of Wall Borough of Wall73.580--
Borough of West Elizabeth Borough of West Elizabeth74.518--
Borough of West Homestead Borough of West Homestead75.1,929--
Borough of West Mifflin Borough of West Mifflin76.20,313--
Borough of West View Borough of West View77.6,771--
Borough of Whitaker Borough of Whitaker78.1,271--
Borough of White Oak Borough of White Oak79.7,862--
Borough of Whitehall Borough of Whitehall80.13,944--
Borough of Wilkinsburg Borough of Wilkinsburg81.15,930--
Borough of Wilmerding Borough of Wilmerding82.2,190--
City of Clairton City of Clairton83.6,796--
City of Duquesne City of Duquesne84.5,565--
City of McKeesport City of McKeesport85.19,731--
City of Pittsburgh City of Pittsburgh86.305,704--
Township of Aleppo Township of Aleppo87.---
Township of Baldwin Township of Baldwin88.---
Township of Collier Township of Collier89.---
Township of Crescent Township of Crescent90.---
Township of East Deer Township of East Deer91.---
Township of Elizabeth Township of Elizabeth92.---
Township of Fawn Township of Fawn93.---
Township of Findlay Township of Findlay94.---
Township of Forward Township of Forward95.---
Township of Frazer Township of Frazer96.---
Township of Hampton Township of Hampton97.---
Township of Harmar Township of Harmar98.---
Township of Harrison Township of Harrison99.---
Township of Indiana Township of Indiana100.---
Township of Kennedy Township of Kennedy101.---
Township of Kilbuck Township of Kilbuck102.---
Township of Leet Township of Leet103.---
Township of Marshall Township of Marshall104.---
Township of McCandless Township of McCandless105.---
Township of Moon Township of Moon106.---
Township of Mount Lebanon Township of Mount Lebanon107.---
Township of Neville Township of Neville108.---
Township of North Fayette Township of North Fayette109.---
Township of North Versailles Township of North Versailles110.---
Township of O'Hara Township of O'Hara111.---
Township of Ohio Township of Ohio112.---
Township of Penn Hills Township of Penn Hills113.---
Township of Pine Township of Pine114.---
Township of Reserve Township of Reserve115.---
Township of Richland Township of Richland116.---
Township of Robinson Township of Robinson117.---
Township of Ross Township of Ross118.---
Township of Scott Township of Scott119.---
Township of Shaler Township of Shaler120.---
Township of South Fayette Township of South Fayette121.---
Township of South Park Township of South Park122.---
Township of South Versailles Township of South Versailles123.---
Township of Springdale Township of Springdale124.---
Township of Stowe Township of Stowe125.---
Township of Upper Saint Clair Township of Upper Saint Clair126.---
Township of West Deer Township of West Deer127.---
Township of Wilkins Township of Wilkins128.---

External sources of information on Allegheny County

Allegheny County on Wikipedia